Special Events and Projects

HSU Reentry Women’s Scholarships
Scholarships funded by the Holiday Gala, Bridge Groups, and individual donations are presented annually to reentry women in upper division or graduate programs at HSU.
Applicants must
1.  Be a Humboldt/Del Norte County resident and show financial need.
2.  Have returned to school after a minimum five-year absence.
3.  Be enrolled full time in upper division or graduate courses.
4.  Have earned a grade point average of at least 3.0.
The application for the Reentry Scholarship can be found on this website under “Educational Opportunities.”

Holiday Gala & Raffle
AAUW Humboldt holds a raffle and luncheon to raise funds for reentry women’s scholarships and to introduce the recipients.  This annual event fulfills a philanthropic purpose and raises branch visibility in the community.  Branch members are encouraged to donate items for this festive raffle and to purchase tickets for the raffle.

Tech Trek
A math and science camp designed by AAUW CA to develop interest and confidence in girls who will enter 8th grade in the fall.  It features hands-on activities in math, science, and related fields. All sleeping, eating, instructional, and recreational facilities are located on a university campus where camps are held.  This branch provides scholarship assistance each year.  In 2002 the Humboldt Tech Trek scholarship was named the Susan Freeman Tech Trek Scholarship in honor Susan Freeman.

The success of Tech Trek has inspired its adoption by AAUW chapters beyond California.

Women’s History Month Tea
Humboldt Branch celebrates Women’s History Month at the March Tea, where members decorate tea tables with lovely china and floral centerpieces.  Women from the past and present who have made a difference in Humboldt County through their activities, education, occupations, or professions are honored at this event.  Biographies of the honorees are created and displayed.    

The Humboldt Branch of AAUW is open to supporting new projects in keeping with the organization’s mission.